What are Oshkosh City Public Records?
Wisconsin Open Records Law defines Oshkosh City public records as any information created or maintained by the city's authorities regardless of its physical form. Records include handwritten, typed, or printed pages, maps, charts, photographs, films, recordings, tapes, optical discs, and any other medium on which electronic data is recorded or preserved. However, some records are exempted by statute or sealed by a court and restricted from public view. Examples of these types of records include the following:
- Records exposing the identity of undercover law enforcement or confidential informants
- Records that are exempt from disclosure by federal or state laws
- Records or any part of a record which has information that qualifies as a trade secret
- Information such as card numbers and account numbers that could identify a customer of a financial institution unless specifically required by law.
- Plans, specifications, and blueprints of government buildings are exempt
Public city records may also be accessible from third-party websites. Record seekers may use these non-governmental platforms to search for a specific document or multiple city records. However, users will need to provide enough information to assist with the search, such as:
- The address of the requestor
- A case number or file number (if known)
- The location of the document or person involved
- The name of the subject involved in the record (not juvenile)
- The last known or current address of the registrant
Third-party sites are not sponsored by government agencies. Because of this, record availability and results may vary.
Oshkosh City Crime Statistics
The Oshkosh City Police Department (OPD) is responsible for collecting and compiling the annual crime statistics for the city and transferring them to the FBI. The FBI adds this data to its Uniform Crime Reporting(UCR), which contains nationwide crime data. According to the OPD annual report, between 2019 and 2020, cases of kidnapping, larceny, and vehicle theft cases rose by 80%, 25.6%, and 6.2%, respectively. Cases of murder also increased from no cases in 2019 to 4 cases in 2020. In contrast, assault, robbery, burglary, arson, and sexual offenses increased 0.8%, 29.4%, 13.6%, 40%, and 36.5%.
Are Oshkosh City's Criminal Records Public?
In Wisconsin and its municipalities, criminal records are usually considered to be public information with some exceptions. Some records may be sealed by a judge in court or exempted from public view by statute. Criminal records for Oshkosh however can be obtained by contacting the Winnebago County Sheriff's Office. The sheriff's office provides a local record check that covers only the county and its cities using the records kept by their office.
Record seekers are required to fill out the online records check form with all the necessary information required to locate the record and get it to them. If there is no record, the requester will receive a letter stating so. There is no fee for this service and requests will usually be completed in 3 to 5 working days.
How to Obtain Police Reports and Arrest Records
The Records Section of the Oshkosh City Police Department(OPD) is responsible for answering requests for police reports and other records in OPD custody. Record requests from the OPD can be made in person, by mail, fax, telephone, email, or using the online form. Requests in person and by mail can be submitted at the OPD office located at:
The Oshkosh Police Department
Attn: Records Department
420 Jackson St
Oshkosh, WI 54901
Requests can also be made by calling the OPD records department at (920) 236-5731 or faxing a written request to (920) 236-5087. Requesters may also email their requests to the records department at OPD_Open_Records@ci.oshkosh.wi.us. The records request form on the records section of the OPD website can also be filled out and submitted online.
Copies of reports will cost the requester $0.25 per page or can also be saved onto discs at $1.50 per disc. The records can be delivered by mail for an additional mailing fee of $2 or be delivered electronically via email at no charge. If the cost of locating records exceeds $50.00, the requester is required to pre-pay the estimated costs of the locating and reproduction of the records. Requests will be fulfilled as soon as possible without delay, and requesters will be notified when they are ready for pickup.
How to Find Sex Offender Information in Oshkosh City
Requesters may obtain sex offender information for Oshkosh City online by visiting the Wisconsin State Sex Offender Registry. This database is maintained by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections and has search tools that help users search for offender information online. The search tools allow visitors on the site to search for information either using name-based or geographical-based criteria. This means information on sex offenders can be obtained either by name or by location.
How to Find Oshkosh City Inmate Records
Inmates arrested and detained in Oshkosh will usually be housed in the facilities operated by the Winnebago County Sheriff's Office. To find inmate information records seekers are advised to call the inmate information line operated by the sheriff's office corrections division at (920) 236-7380.
How Do I Visit an Inmate in Oshkosh City City Jail?
Inmates in Oshkosh are held in custody at the Winnebago County Jail located at:
4311 Jackson Street,
Oshkosh, WI 54901
The county jail permits onsite visits to its inmates. Each inmate picks the time and day of the week that they want each of their visitors to see them. The inmate is responsible for notifying their visitors of their assigned day and time on the schedule. Staff at the jail do not give out visitation details to protect the privacy of inmates and visitors. All visitors must show valid picture identification when they arrive for their visit. Inmates may have up to 8 people on their visitation list, but only three will be allowed per visit.
What are Oshkosh City Vital Records?
Oshkosh City's vital records are the records kept by the city's government agencies that document the life events which have happened within it. These records include birth certificates, marriage certificates, divorce records, and death records. Although vital records in Wisconsin and Oshkosh are considered public records, only authorized persons may request certified copies. Anyone not on the authorized list may request an uncertified copy. These uncertified copies contain the same information but cannot be used for any legal purposes such as establishing an identity. Vital records in Oshkosh can be obtained from their custodians, such as the Winnebago County Register of Deeds and the County Clerk of Courts.
Where and How to Obtain Oshkosh City Divorce Records
Individuals eligible to request divorce records may request them from the Wisconsin County Clerk of Courts. The records can be obtained properly by filling out and submitting the Records/Copy Request Form. The request can be submitted in person at the office dropbox and by mail to the clerk of courts office at:
Clerk Of Courts Office
415 Jackson Street (1st Floor)
P.O. Box 2808
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2808
Phone: (920) 236-4848
Fax: (920) 424-7780
Requests can also be made by emailing the form or a written request to the clerk of courts at winnebago.courtrecords@wicourts.gov.
The Winnebago County Register of Deeds also issues divorce records but only for divorces in the county from January 1st, 2016, and after. Only eligible requesters and individuals who can show a direct and tangible interest in the record will be issued certified copies of the divorce record. All others will receive uncertified copies marked as such and which cannot be used for any legal purposes. Eligible requestors include:
- Either of the couple named on the record
- Any member of the immediate families of the couple (parents, children, siblings, and grandparents)
- Legal custodian or guardian of either of the couple
- A legal representative of any of the above such as an attorney
- Individuals that can show that the record is necessary to protect a personal or property right
The record can be obtained by downloading and filling the Divorce Certificate Application and returning it to the register of deeds at:
Winnebago County Register of Deeds
112 Otter Avenue
P.O. Box 2806,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2806
Applications can be submitted in person and by mailing the application along with identification and the fees to the above address. Some form of identification must be included with a mailed request or shown when requesting in person. A list of acceptable identification can be found on the second page of the application form. Requests by mail should also add a self-addressed and stamped envelope for returning the record. Divorce records from the register of deeds will cost an initial search fee of $20 which includes one certified copy of the record. Additional copies ordered at the same time will cost $3 for each copy. Payment is usually accepted in checks and money orders, while cash is also accepted during in-person requests. Certified copies ordered by mail will take 2 weeks to process, while those requested in person will be provided in around two hours. Uncertified copy requests, on the other hand, are usually completed in around a month.
Where and How to Get Marriage Records in Oshkosh City
Marriage records for Oshkosh City can be obtained by contacting the Winnebago County Register of Deeds Office. Depending on preference, requesters may obtain both certified and uncertified copies of the marriage record. They contain the same information and cost the same but uncertified copies cannot be used for any legal purposes such as establishing an identity. Certified copies will only be issued to requesters who are authorized or show a direct and tangible interest in the record. These include:
- The couple listed on the marriage record
- The immediate family of either of the couple on the record(including parents, grandparents, brothers, sisters, and children)
- Legal guardians or custodians of either of the couple
- A legal representative of any of the above individuals, such as an attorney
- Any individual who can prove the marriage record is necessary to determine or protect a personal or property right
Records can be obtained by filling or submitting a marriage certificate application form in person or by mail to the register of deeds office. Applicants in person must present a valid government-issued identification or mail a copy of such identification if requesting a certified copy of the record. A list of accepted forms of identification can be found on the second page of the marriage certificate application form. Completed forms can be brought in person or mailed to the register of deeds office at:
Winnebago County Register of Deeds
112 Otter Avenue
P.O. Box 2806,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2806
Mailed requests should also include a self-addressed and stamped envelope for delivering the record. Marriage certificates from the register of deeds will cost the requester a non-refundable search fee of $20, which comes with one copy of the record. Extra copies ordered at the same time will cost $3 each. Payment can be made with cash during in-person requests and checks, and money orders added to mail requests. If the record is on file, in-person requests for certified copies take around two business hours after receiving the request. Mailed requests will take two weeks. This does not include any mailing time. Requests for uncertified copies by any method will take around one month to complete, minus any mail time.
Where and How to Find Oshkosh City Birth Records
Persons who are authorized to request them may obtain birth records for Oshkosh City from the Winnebago County Register of Deeds. The Register of Deeds issues two forms of birth certificate to applicants, a certified copy and an uncertified copy. A certified copy is printed on security paper, has a raised seal, and shows the signature of a local or state Register. Although they have the same information and cost, uncertified copies lack all these, are marked uncertified, and cannot be used for any legal or identity purpose. To obtain a certified copy, an applicant must be authorized or show a direct and tangible interest in the birth record, such applicants include:
- The registrant named on the birth certificate
- The current spouse or domestic partner of the registrant
- The registrant's immediate family, including their parents, grandparents, children, and siblings.
- A legal guardian or custodian of the registrant
- A legal representative such as a lawyer.
- Any applicant who can demonstrate the record is needed for the determination or protection of a personal or property right.
Any other requester will be issued an uncertified copy of the record instead.
Obtaining Copies of Oshkosh City Birth Certificates
Birth records can be acquired from the register of deeds by submitting a filled out birth certificate application form in person or by mail to:
Winnebago County Register of Deeds
112 Otter Avenue
P.O. Box 2806,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2806
If the applicant requires a certified copy, they must either show a valid form of identification in person or include a copy in their mailed request. Otherwise, they must prove their direct or tangible interest in the birth record. Applicants can find a list of acceptable forms of ID on page two of the application form for reference. Mailed requests must also add a stamped and self-addressed envelope for use in returning the record.
When a record is readily available in-person requests for certified copies of the record take 2 business hours of receipt of the request to complete. Mailed requests, on the other hand, are usually completed within two weeks, not counting any mail transit time. Requests for uncertified copies are usually completed in a month's time.
Birth certificates cost an opening non-refundable search fee of $20 and that includes one copy of the record. Each additional copy of the record issued at the same time as the first will cost $3. Fees can be paid in cash, checks, and money orders. But cash is only accepted during in-person requests.
Where and How to Find Oshkosh City Death Records
Death records for Oshkosh City can be obtained from the Winnebago County Register of Deeds. Applicants may obtain these records in person or by mail. To obtain a certified copy of the record an applicant must be an eligible person or show a direct and tangible interest in the record. Such persons include:
- The immediate family of the deceased(parents, Spouse or domestic partner, children, siblings, and grandparents)
- Legal guardian or custodian of the deceased
- A legal representative authorized by any of the above persons, such as a lawyer
- Any person that can prove the record is needed for the determination or protection of a personal or property right.
Other requesters such as other direct descendants will receive an uncertified copy of the death record. This type of copy costs the same and has the same information but will not be accepted during any legal matters such as establishing identity.
To request a death record from the register of deeds, the applicant must fill out and submit a copy of the death certificate application form. The completed form can be submitted by hand or by mail to the register at:
Winnebago County Register of Deeds
112 Otter Avenue
P.O. Box 2806,
Oshkosh, WI 54903-2806
Mailed requests should also include a self-address and stamped business envelope to return the records. If applying for a certified copy, requesters must add a copy of acceptable identification with the mailed request or show it in person. Requesters may also be required to provide evidence that proves the direct and tangible interest in the record.