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Criminal Records
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Liens & Judgments
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search includes Jail & Inmate Records
Jail & Inmate Records
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search includes Arrest Records
Arrest Records
search includes Bankruptcies
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Property Records
search includes Vital Records
Vital Records
search includes Criminal Records
Criminal Records
search includes Liens & Judgments
Liens & Judgments
search includes Business Ownership
Business Ownership
search includes Registered Licenses
Registered Licenses
search includes Jail & Inmate Records
Jail & Inmate Records
search includes Traffic Violations
Traffic Violations
search includes Unclaimed Assets
Unclaimed Assets
search includes Contact Details
Contact Details
search includes Arrest Records
Arrest Records
search includes Bankruptcies
search includes Property Records
Property Records
search includes Vital Records
Vital Records
search includes Criminal Records
Criminal Records
search includes Liens & Judgments
Liens & Judgments
search includes Business Ownership
Business Ownership
search includes Registered Licenses
Registered Licenses
search includes Jail & Inmate Records
Jail & Inmate Records
search includes Traffic Violations
Traffic Violations
search includes Unclaimed Assets
Unclaimed Assets
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Contact Details
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What are Racine City Public Records?

Per the Wisconsin Open Records Law, any piece of information created by a government executive or employee qualifies as a public record. Samples of Racine City public records include:

  • Handwritten messages
  • Emails
  • Videos
  • Audio files
  • Database content
  • Instant messages

While Racine City employees are duty-bound to provide public records upon request, they do not allow the public to obtain all records. The Open Records Law exempts some government-generated documents from public view, including:

  • Duplicate copies of materials: the agency must possess a physical copy of the original;
  • Personal materials, irrelevant to state affairs;
  • Reference materials such as:
  • Phone books
  • Dictionaries
  • Vendor catalogs
  • Unsolicited notices and invitations such as spam, junk mail, and most listservs;
  • Notes: private notes are not records if used singularly for personal reasons;
  • Drafts or working papers that do not contain substantive comments.

Racine City Crime Statistics

Local law enforcement in Racine City collects arrests and crime reports and sends them to the Federal Bureau of Investigation as part of its annual Uniform Crime Report. In a 2019 report, Racine City local law enforcement recorded 291 violent crimes and 990 property crimes among 77,269 people. Among violent crimes, there were four murders, 45 rapes, 53 robberies, and 189 cases of aggravated assault. In comparison, the state average for violent crimes in 2019 was 5.2 murders, 58.2 rapes, 68.6 robberies, and 244.6 instances of aggravated assault. In 2019, the violent crime rate in Racine City was 225.2, while the national average was 205.8.

A closer look at Racine City property crimes in 2019 revealed 212 burglaries, 682 instances of larceny-theft, 96 vehicular thefts, and four arson cases. Across Wisconsin, the averages among property crimes were 274.4 burglaries, 882.6 larceny-theft cases, 124.2 instances of vehicular theft, and 5.2 arson instances. Racine City’s property crime rate was 117.6, while the U.S. average was 178.6.

Are Racine City Criminal Records Public?

Wisconsin’s Open Records Law allows the public to view Racine City criminal records upon request. The Wisconsin Department of Justice’s Criminal History Unit is responsible for storing criminal records in the state and allows the public to access non-confidential criminal records. Individuals interested in obtaining Racine City criminal records may visit the Wisconsin Online Record Check System, which the Wisconsin Department of Justiceprovides. The system allows public members to request background checks by giving the subject’s name and social security number. Each background check request costs $1.25. In some cases, the requester will need to provide their Wisconsin Unique Personal Identification Number (WiUPIN). They can get this by creating accounts before using the Online Record Check System.

How to Obtain Racine City Police Reports and Arrest Records?

The Racine Police Department Records Bureau maintains and updates its files, including arrest reports and other general police reports. Interested individuals may request Racine City police reports in person for 25 cents per page. Copies of incident reports cost $1.35 plus 25 cents per added page.

The Records Bureau attends to the public between Monday – Friday, 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. and Saturday - Sunday, 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Racine Police Department
Records Bureau
730 Center Street
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: (262) 635-7700

Requesters must describe the desired record as accurately as possible and should know that the Records Bureau Supervisor will deny their application if the document is confidential.

How to Find Sex Offender Information in Racine City

Wisconsin Law posits that anyone convicted for a sexual crime in Racine City must register with the Wisconsin Department of Corrections as a sex offender. The DOC collects sex offender information across the state and allows the public to access this information on its Sex Offender Registry. Anyone can find Racine City sex offender information by searching the registry geographically or by name.

The DOC also provides a community notification system that allows interested persons to register and get sex offender information whenever they move into an area of interest.

How to Find Racine City Inmate Information

Racine City residents that get arrested and convicted for committing crimes serve time in the Racine County Jail. The Jail maintains a database with inmate information and makes it publicly available through the inmate search tool. Individuals looking for Racine City inmate details may use the desired inmate’s name, gender, or birth date to search.

How Do I Visit an inmate in Racine City Jail?

The Racine County Jail houses inmates from across the county, including Racine City. Inmates’ friends and family may visit them using the jail’s “face-to-face” visitation and video visitation services. Residents of the different prison blocks may receive non-contact visits per the following schedule:

  • 2EW - 7:30 a.m. - 8:00 a.m.;
  • 2EE - 8:45 a.m. - 9:15 a.m.;
  • 2C - 10:15 a.m. - 10:45 a.m.;
  • 3EW dayroom 3 & 4 - 11:15 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.;
  • 3EE - 1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.;
  • 3EW dayroom 5 - 2:45 p.m. -3:15 p.m.;
  • 2A & 3A - 3:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.;
  • 4C - 4:15 p.m. - 4:45 p.m.

Every inmate may receive a single non-contact visitor each week. Intending visitors can use the Jail’s computer to schedule visits during these hours: 8:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. - 4:30 p.m., and 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The computer is in the County Jail’s entrance.

Up to four persons may visit an inmate during a session. Every visitor must carry along a valid government-issued photo ID that displays the following:

  • Name;
  • Date of Birth;
  • Hair Color;
  • Sex/Race;
  • Height/Weight;
  • Color of Eyes.

Adult visitors may bring minors with them and bring along the minors’ birth certificates to identify them. All visitors are subject to a search and must successfully go through a metal detector. The prison staff expects visitors to wear clothes that fit correctly and do not expose sensitive body parts. Visitors may not enter the facility wearing tight or revealing clothing or clothing with violent or offensive material printed on them. Visitors face eviction if they or their wards are disruptive.

Friends and family that wish to communicate with inmates through video visitation must download a third-party application and create accounts. Account-holders may visit with inmates according to the approved visitation schedule.

Racine City Court Records

Racine City is under Racine County’s legal jurisdiction. The Racine County Circuit Court is responsible for all Racine City criminal cases, civil court cases, probate cases, and family cases. Similarly, the Racine Municipal Court deals with underage alcohol issues, parking violations, building code violations, disorderly conduct, and other minor infractions.

The Wisconsin Courts allow the public to find and view Racine City court records online via the Wisconsin Court case search page. Researchers must choose the specific county court from a drop-down list and provide the case number and the parties’ names.

The locations and contact information of all courthouses related to Racine City are below:

Racine County Circuit Court
Racine County Courthouse
730 Wisconsin Avenue,
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: (262) 636-3333
Fax: (262) 636-3341

City of Racine Municipal Court
800 Center Street,
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: (262) 636-9263
Fax: (262) 636-9110

Are Racine City Court Records Public?

The Racine County Clerk of Circuit Court is responsible for managing Racine City court records and provides them to the public per Wisconsin’s Open Records Law. However, the Circuit Court Clerk does not allow the public to access all court records as some are confidential. Examples of confidential court records include juvenile court records, medical information, tax records, and adoption information.

How to Obtain Racine City Civil Court Case Records

The Racine County Circuit Court hears all civil cases in Racine City and allows interested persons to obtain copies of Racine County civil court case records. Individuals that wish to find Racine City civil court case records may query the Wisconsin Court case search page.

Online researchers must choose the specific county court from a drop-down list and provide the parties’ names. If available, the results will contain the case number and other details. These records, however, are unofficial. Therefore, individuals that wish to obtain certified copies of Racine City civil court case records may complete the Racine County Circuit Court Clerk’s Request Court Records Form online. They may also make in-person requests at the Clerk’s office during regular working hours. The Racine County Circuit Court Clerk charges $1.25 per page to get copies of Racine City civil court case records.

Racine County Clerk of Circuit Court
730 Wisconsin Ave
Racine, WI 53403

How to Obtain Racine City Criminal Court Records

The Racine County Circuit Court tries all Racine City criminal cases and provides criminal court records to interested persons upon request. Individuals that wish to find Racine City criminal court records may query the Wisconsin Court case search page for basic information.

Online researchers must choose the specific county court from a drop-down list and provide the defendant’s name. If available, the results will contain the case number and other details. These records, however, are unofficial. Therefore, individuals that wish to obtain certified copies of Racine City criminal court records may complete the Racine County Circuit Court Clerk’s Request Court Records Form online. They may also make in-person requests at the Clerk’s office during regular working hours. The Racine County Circuit Court Clerk charges $1.25 per page to get copies of Racine City criminal court records.

Racine County Clerk of Circuit Court
730 Wisconsin Ave
Racine, WI 53403

Conducting a search is subject to our Terms of Service and Privacy Notice.

Racine City Vital Records

Racine City’s agencies create vital records to mark the crucial life events that its residents experience. Examples of vital records include birth certificates, death certificates, marriage licenses, and divorce decrees. The Racine County Clerk provides copies of Racine City divorce records, while the Register of Deeds’ Vital Records Division delivers copies of marriage, birth, and death certificates.

At the state level, the Wisconsin Department of Health Vital Records Office is responsible for managing vital records and allows eligible persons to access them upon request.

Where and How to Get Racine City Divorce Records

The Racine County Clerk issues Racine City divorce decrees and allows the public to obtain copies of divorce records. Interested persons may obtain copies of Racine City divorce records by making in-person or written requests. Applicants will need to give the County Clerk’s office accurate information to process their bid, including the divorcees’ full names, the divorce date and location, and the case file number. Standard copy fees and additional certification fees apply when requesting copies of Racine City divorce records.

Racine County Clerk
Racine County Courthouse – 1st Floor, North end
730 Wisconsin Ave.
Racine, WI 53403

The Racine County Recorder of Deeds’ Office also provides copies of Racine City divorce certificates at $20 for the first copy and $3 for extra copies. While the public may obtain uncertified copies, the following persons may request certified copies:

  • The divorcees’;
  • The divorcees’ immediate family members;
  • The divorcees’ legal representatives;
  • Anyone with a court order to obtain the record.

Applicants may complete a Divorce Record Application, attach a check or money order for payment and exact replicas of a valid ID, and submit the entire package by mail or in-person to:

Racine County Register of Deeds
730 Wisconsin Ave,
1st Floor,
Racine, WI 53403
(262) 636-3208

Where and How to Get Public Marriage Records in Racine County

The Racine County Register of Deeds is responsible for issuing Racine City marriage records. Per Wisconsin Statutes, Racine City marriage records are closed to the public and available only to the following eligible persons:

  • The married couple;
  • The couples’ immediate family members;
  • The couples’ legal representatives;
  • Anyone with a court order to obtain the record.

Where and How to Get Confidential Marriage Records in Racine County

The Racine County Register of Deeds is responsible for issuing Racine City marriage records. The Vital Records section allows the following eligible persons to get copies of Racine City marriage certificates:

  • The married couple;
  • The couples’ immediate family members;
  • The couples’ legal representatives;
  • Anyone with a court order to obtain the record.

Individuals that wish to obtain copies of Racine City marriage certificates must download and complete a Marriage Certificate Application, providing the following information:

  • Applicant information (names, address, phone number, email address, etc.);
  • Relationship to the registrants;
  • Proof of relationship;
  • The groom’s details;
  • The bride’s details.

Applicants may submit applications to the Vital Records office anytime between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Racine City marriage certificates cost $20 for the first copy and $3 for each additional copy, and requesters may pay by cash, money order, certified check, or credit and debit cards.

Racine County Register of Deeds
730 Wisconsin Ave,
1st Floor
Racine, WI 53403

Where and How to Find Racine County Birth Records

The Racine County Register of Deeds is responsible for the Racine City birth register. The Vital Records Division allows the following persons to request copies of birth certificates:

  • The record holder (above eighteen years old);
  • The record holder’s parents (if listed on the record);
  • The record holder’s immediate family members;
  • The record holder’s legal representatives;
  • Anyone with a court order to obtain the document.

Eligible individuals may request certified copies of Racine City birth certificates from the Vital Records Office in person or by mail. The office is open to in-person requesters between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and charges $20 for the initial certificate copy and $3 for extra copies. Staff will accept payment by cash, money orders, certified checks, or credit & debit cards. Requesters must offer valid forms of photo ID, such as:

  • A driver’s license;
  • A United States passport or foreign passport;
  • A valid military ID.

Individuals that wish to send mail-in requests for Racine City birth certificates must complete a birth certificate application form and provide necessary details, including:

  • Applicant information (including signature);
  • Relationship to the record holders;
  • The number of copies required.

Requesters must attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a photocopy of a valid drivers’ license to the application form.

Racine County Register of Deeds
730 Wisconsin Ave,
1st Floor
Racine, WI 53403

Statewide, the Wisconsin Department of Health Vital Records Office (WDHVR) is responsible for managing birth records from October 1907 to the present and allows eligible persons to access them upon request.

Eligible persons may order Racine City birth certificates from the WDHVR online or by telephone through a third-party service. Requesters may also apply in-person or by mail. The office processes requests between 8 a.m.–4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. Staff will provide same-day service to persons that arrive between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and will process later requests the next business day. The office charges $20 for the first copy of a birth record and $3 for each additional copy of the same document.

Wisconsin Vital Records Office
1 West Wilson Street, Room 160
Madison, WI 53703

Where and How to Find Racine County Death Records

The Racine County Register of Deeds is responsible for the Racine City death register. The Vital Records Division allows the following persons to request copies of death certificates:

  • The deceased’s parents;
  • The deceased’s spouse
  • The deceased’s family members, including children and siblings;
  • The deceased’s legal representatives;
  • Anyone with a court order to obtain the record.

Eligible individuals may request certified copies of Racine City death certificates from the Vital Records Office in person or by mail. The office is open to in-person requesters between 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday and charges $20 for the initial certificate copy and $3 for extra copies. Staff will accept payment by cash, money orders, certified checks, or credit & debit cards. Requesters must offer valid forms of photo ID, such as:

  • A driver’s license;
  • A United States passport or foreign passport;
  • A valid military ID.

Individuals that wish to send mail-in requests for Racine City death certificates must complete a death certificate application form and provide necessary details, including:

  • Applicant information (including signature);
  • Relationship to the deceased;
  • The number of copies required.

Requesters must attach a self-addressed, stamped envelope and a photocopy of a valid drivers’ license to the application form.

Racine County Register of Deeds
730 Wisconsin Ave,
1st Floor
Racine, WI 53403

Statewide, the Wisconsin Department of Health Vital Records Office (WDHVR) is responsible for managing death records from October 1907 to the present and allows eligible persons to access them upon request.

Eligible persons may order Racine City death certificates from the WDHVR online or by telephone through a third-party service. Requesters may also apply in-person or by mail. The office processes requests between 8 a.m.–4:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. Staff will provide same-day service to persons that arrive between 8:00 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. and will process later requests the next business day. The office charges $20 for the first copy of a death record and $3 for each additional copy of the same document.

Wisconsin Vital Records Office
1 West Wilson Street, Room 160
Madison, WI 53703